
Home  Contacts

Contact information

  +375 (17) 270 31 75
  220072, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Surganova st., 6

Working hours

Monday - Thursday: from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday: from 9:00 to 16:45
Lunch break: from 13:00 to 13:45
Weekends: Saturday, Sunday

Schedule of personal reception of citizens by the management of the UIIP of the NAS of Belarus

Surname, name, patronymic
Job title
Personal reception time
Office and phone numbers
Sergey Vladimirovich
General Director of the Joint Institute for UIIP of the NAS of Belarus
The second and fourth Monday of each month 16:30 - 18:00
Sergey Nikolaevich
Deputy General Director for Scientific Work
Thursday 17:00 - 18:00
Andrey Alexandrovich
Deputy General Director for Research and Innovation
Friday 15:00 - 16:00
Vitaly Iosifovich
Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer
Tuesday 17:00 - 18:00

Department of International Cooperation and Exhibition Activities

  +375 (17) 278 11 71,   +375 (17) 378 84 03,

Department of Human Resources and Legal Work

  +375 (17) 270 31 54

Chief accountant

  +375 (17) 270 21 65

UIIP of the NAS of Belarus

If you want to know something, ask a question, write us any comment, suggestion, feedback, you can use the form for electronic appeals.

The book of comments and suggestions is located in the department of personnel and legal work.